Ask The Hosts – Episode 19

The most surprising thing about ourselves, alternative computing form factors that we’d like, and whether we can be truly free. With popey from Linux Matters, Will and Graham from Late Night Linux, Andy and Amolith from Linux Dev Time, and Gary from Linux After Dark.



Patrons got this this in their feed two weeks ago.






Ask The Hosts – Episode 17

How we remind ourselves of things, what we most and least enjoyed about school, what 3 colours we’d paint the world, which country has the best food, and whether we feel bad about killing mosquitos. With Gary from Linux After Dark, Graham from Late Night Linux, and Amolith from Linux Dev Time.



Patrons got this this in their feed two weeks ago.






Ask The Hosts – Episode 10

Our brews of choice, what the minimum wage should enable a person to do, and how long we’d want to live if we stayed healthy. With Kevin and Amolith from Linux Dev Time, Félim from Late Night Linux , popey from Linux Matters, and Gary, Chris and Dalton from Linux After Dark.


Patrons got this this in their feed two weeks ago.